Housing Methodology Committee
The HMC was a key part of ABAG's approach to creating the RHNA allocation methodology. Through the HMC, ABAG's staff sought to facilitate dialogue and information-sharing in order to enable coordinated action to address the Bay Area's housing challenges.
The role of the HMC was to advise ABAG staff on developing a RHNA methodology for the 2023 to 2031 RHNA cycle that results in allocations that meet the statutory requirements and are consistent with the forecasted development pattern included in Plan Bay Area 2050. The HMC was comprised of:
- Nine elected officials (one from each Bay Area county)
- Twelve jurisdiction housing or planning staff (at least one from each county)
- Sixteen regional stakeholders representing diverse perspectives, from equity and open space to public health and public transit
- One partner from state government.
Housing Methodology Committee Members
During the HMC process, ABAG staff shared information about the HMC’s deliberations and recommendations with the ABAG Regional Planning Committee. Serving as the primary committee for the working group to interact with, the Regional Planning Committee used the input from the HMC to make recommendations to the ABAG Executive Board, which has the authority to make final decisions.
Visualization Tool for Exploring RHNA Methodology Options and Allocation Outcomes
An Online Visualization Tool was developed to support HMC members as they prioritized factors, considered weights for each factor and developed an initial recommendation for a RHNA methodology. The tool allows users to explore sample methodologies by selecting factors to include in the methodology and applying a weight to each potential factor. The tool produces a map of the jurisdiction-specific output based on selected factors and weights assigned.
Do you have questions about the methodology or RHNA? Email info@bayareametro.gov.
HMC Meeting Dates and Agendas
Full packets and additional information are posted on the Meetings and Events page.
- October 18, 2019: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- November 14, 2019: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- December 19, 2019: Agenda Packet, Minutes and December 19, 2019 Audio
- January 24, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- March 12, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- March 12, 2020 Maps resulting from small group discussions:
- April 9, 2020 Materials released in lieu of cancelled meeting:
- May 14, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- June 19, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- July 9, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- August 13, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- August 28, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- September 4, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes
- September 18, 2020: Agenda Packet, Video and Minutes