Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index

The Bay Area Consumer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the change in the price of a range of goods and services over time.

The change in the index is referred to as the rate of inflation. The numbers presented are prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area covering San Francisco, the East Bay and the Peninsula. Note that while this series is generally used as representative of the CPI for the Bay Area region, a change in the sample geography in 2018 means the index is now reported for the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA Core Based Statistical Area, covering Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties and not the remaining counties (Santa Clara, Napa, Solano and Sonoma).

Raw Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI numbers are provided below. Annual averages are provided, followed by bimonthly values. The base year is an average of 1982, 1983 and 1984 (hence 1982-84=100).

Monthly Bay Area Index

Monthly Bay Area Consumer Price Index*
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Avg
2024 --- 345.2 --- 351.2 --- 351.1 --- 349.3 --- 349.4 --- 348.0 349.0
2023 --- 337.2 --- 338.5 --- 340.1 --- 340.1 --- 341.2 --- 339.9 339.5
2022 --- 320.2 --- 324.9 --- 330.5 --- 328.9 --- 332.1 --- 331.2 328.0
2021 --- 304.4 --- 309.4 --- 309.5 --- 311.2 --- 313.3 --- 315.8 310.6
2020 --- 299.7 --- 298.1 --- 300.0 --- 300.2 --- 301.7 --- 302.9 300.4
2019 --- 291.2 --- 294.8 --- 295.3 --- 295.5 --- 298.4 --- 297.0 295.4
2018 --- 281.3 --- 283.4 --- 286.1 --- 287.7 --- 289.7 --- 289.9 286.3
2017 --- 271.6 --- 274.6 --- 275.3 --- 275.9 --- 277.6 --- 277.4 275.4
2016 --- 262.6 --- 264.6 --- 266.0 --- 267.9 --- 270.3 --- 269.5 266.8
2015 --- 254.9 --- 257.6 --- 259.1 --- 259.9 --- 261.0 --- 260.3 258.8
2014 --- 248.6 --- 251.5 --- 253.3 --- 253.4 --- 254.5 --- 252.3 252.3
2013 --- 242.7 --- 244.7 --- 245.9 --- 246.1 --- 246.6 --- 245.7 245.3
2012 --- 236.9 --- 239.0 --- 239.8 --- 241.2 --- 242.8 --- 239.5 239.9
2011 --- 230.0 --- 234.1 --- 233.6 --- 234.6 --- 235.3 --- 234.3 233.7
2010 --- 226.1 --- 227.7 --- 228.1 --- 228.0 --- 228.1 --- 227.7 227.6
2009 --- 222.2 --- 223.9 --- 225.7 --- 225.8 --- 226.1 --- 224.2 224.6
2008 --- 219.6 --- 222.1 --- 225.2 --- 225.4 --- 225.8 --- 218.5 222.8
2007 --- 213.7 --- 215.8 --- 216.1 --- 216.2 --- 217.9 --- 218.5 216.4
2006 --- 207.1 --- 208.9 --- 209.1 --- 210.7 --- 211.0 --- 210.4 209.5
2005 --- 201.2 --- 202.5 --- 201.2 --- 203.0 --- 205.9 --- 203.4 202.9
2004 --- 198.1 --- 198.3 --- 199.0 --- 198.7 --- 200.3 --- 199.5 199.0
2003 --- 197.7 --- 197.3 --- 196.3 --- 196.3 --- 196.3 --- 195.3 196.5
2002 --- 191.3 --- 193.0 --- 193.2 --- 193.5 --- 194.3 --- 193.2 193.1
2001 --- 187.9 --- 189.1 --- 190.9 --- 191.0 --- 191.7 --- 190.6 190.2
2000 --- 176.5 --- 178.7 --- 179.1 --- 181.7 --- 183.4 --- 184.1 180.6
1999 --- 169.4 --- 172.2 --- 171.8 --- 173.5 --- 175.2 --- 174.5 172.8
1998 --- 163.2 --- 164.6 --- 165.5 --- 166.6 --- 167.2 --- 167.4 165.7
1997 157.0 157.9 159.2 159.6 159.8 160.0 160.6 161.2 161.6 162.5 162.6 162.6 160.4
1996 152.9 153.2 152.9 153.9 155.1 155.2 155.9 155.6 156.3 156.9 156.9 156.0 155.1
1995 150.3 150.5 151.1 151.5 151.3 151.7 151.5 151.5 152.3 152.6 152.4 152.1 151.6
1994 147.5 147.4 148.2 148.0 148.3 148.1 148.9 149.4 149.4 149.4 149.8 149.4 148.7
1993 145.1 145.5 145.7 146.8 146.9 146.1 146.1 146.2 146.5 147.0 147.2 147.0 146.3
1992 140.3 141.0 141.9 141.6 141.9 141.9 142.2 142.7 143.7 144.3 144.2 144.3 142.5
1991 136.7 136.1 136.3 135.8 136.2 137.6 138.2 139.1 139.7 139.6 139.8 139.8 137.9
1990 128.5 129.2 130.0 130.7 130.8 131.6 132.3 133.1 134.0 134.6 134.7 135.1 132.0
1989 124.0 124.0 125.9 125.4 126.3 126.2 127.4 128.1 126.8 127.5 127.2 127.4 126.4
1988 118.4 117.9 119.1 118.7 119.7 120.1 120.9 122.0 122.1 122.3 122.2 122.6 120.5
1987 112.5 113.4 113.7 114.8 115.0 115.0 115.8 116.1 116.6 117.1 117.3 117.4 115.4
1986 --- 111.0 --- 110.4 --- 111.9 --- 112.4 --- 113.1 --- 111.8 111.8
1985 --- 106.9 --- 107.5 --- 108.4 --- 109.2 --- 109.5 --- 109.4 108.5
1984 --- 101.4 --- 102.9 --- 103.7 --- 105.2 --- 106.5 --- 106.0 104.3
1983 --- 96.7 --- 97.4 --- 98.6 --- 99.5 --- 99.4 --- 100.0 98.6
1982 --- 96.2 --- 97.2 --- 99.1 --- 99.0 --- 98.4 --- 95.6 97.6
1981 --- 84.7 --- 87.9 --- 89.1 --- 93.6 --- 96.6 --- 95.6 91.2
1980 --- 78.3 --- 79.2 --- 80.7 --- 81.6 --- 81.9 --- 82.9 80.8
1979 --- 66.3 --- 67.9 --- 69.1 --- 71.0 --- 72.0 --- 74.9 70.2
1978 --- 61.5 --- 62.7 --- 64.8 --- 66.6 --- 66.1 --- 65.3 64.5
1977 --- --- 57.2 --- --- 58.8 --- --- 59.9 --- --- 60.9 59.2
1976 --- --- 53.8 --- --- 54.3 --- --- 55.3 --- --- 56.0 54.8
1975 --- --- 50.7 --- --- 51.6 --- --- 52.5 --- --- 53.4 52.1
1974 --- --- 45.3 --- --- 46.8 --- --- 48.2 --- --- 49.5 47.5
1973 --- --- 41.9 --- --- 42.5 --- --- 43.8 --- --- 44.0 43.0
1972 --- --- 39.9 --- --- 40.4 --- --- 40.9 --- --- 41.1 40.6
1971 --- --- 38.7 --- --- 39.0 --- --- 39.3 --- --- 39.6 39.2
1970 --- --- 37.2 --- --- 37.6 --- --- 38.0 --- --- 38.5 37.8

* Table refreshed with historic FRED data in January 2022. Data is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA (CBSA) [CUURA422SA0], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, January 12, 2022. A version of this table erroneously reported the August 2023 inflation index at 341.2. It should have stated 340.1, and was corrected January 11, 2024.

Bay Area Index Annual Average

Bay Area Consumer Price Index Annual Average**
Annual Avg
Percentage Change
Percentage Change
Annual Avg December
2024 349.0 348.0 2.8% 2.4%
2023 339.5 339.9 3.5% 2.6%
2022 328.0 331.2 5.6% 4.9%
2021 310.6 315.8 3.4% 4.2%
2020 300.4 302.9 1.7% 2.0%
2019 295.4 297.0 3.2% 2.5%
2018 286.3 289.9 4.0% 4.5%
2017 275.4 277.4 3.2% 2.9%
2016 266.8 269.5 3.1% 3.5%
2015 258.8 260.3 2.6% 3.2%
2014 252.3 252.3 2.8% 2.7%
2013 245.3 245.7 2.3% 2.6%
2012 239.9 239.5 2.7% 2.2%
2011 233.7 234.3 2.7% 2.9%
2010 227.6 227.7 1.3% 1.5%
2009 224.6 224.2 0.8% 2.6%
2008 222.8 218.5 3.0% 0.0%
2007 216.4 218.5 3.3% 3.8%
2006 209.5 210.4 3.3% 3.4%
2005 202.9 203.4 2.0% 2.0%
2004 199.0 199.5 1.2% 2.2%
2003 196.5 195.3 1.8% 1.1%
2002 193.1 193.2 1.5% 1.4%
2001 190.2 190.6 5.3% 3.5%
2000 180.6 184.1 4.5% 5.5%
1999 172.8 174.5 4.2% 4.2%
1998 165.7 167.4 3.3% 3.0%
1997 160.4 162.6 3.4% 4.2%
1996 155.1 156.0 2.3% 2.6%
1995 151.6 152.1 2.0% 1.8%
1994 148.7 149.4 1.6% 1.6%
1993 146.3 147.0 2.7% 1.9%
1992 142.5 144.3 3.3% 3.2%
1991 137.9 139.8 4.4% 5.3%
1990 132.0 135.1 5.0% 6.4%
1989 126.4 127.4 5.0% 4.8%
1988 120.5 122.6 4.3% 5.0%
1987 115.4 117.4 5.3% 4.7%
1986 111.8 111.8 2.1% 1.8%
1985 108.5 109.4 4.0% 4.0%
1984 104.3 106.0 4.3% 4.0%
1983 98.6 100.0 4.2% 4.3%
1982 97.6 95.6 7.1% 6.6%
1981 91.3 95.6 13.0% 15.3%
1980 80.8 82.9 15.1% 10.7%
1979 70.2 74.9 8.8% 14.7%
1978 64.5 65.3 9.0% 7.2%
1977 59.2 60.9 7.9% 8.7%
1976 54.8 56.0 5.4% 4.9%
1975 52.1 53.4 9.7% 7.9%
1974 47.5 49.5 10.2% 12.5%
1973 43.0 44.0 6.1% 7.1%
1972 40.6 41.1 3.6% 3.8%
1971 39.1 39.6 3.5% 2.9%
1970 37.8 38.5 --- ---

**Table refreshed with historic FRED data in January 2022. Change in year over year indices is calculated on unrounded data, and then rounded to one decimal.