Partner Agencies

Partner agency logos.
Credit: ABAG

Partner Agencies

ABAG's problem-solving approach to issues affecting the Bay Area is evident in the way we build coalitions and partnerships within our region and beyond. 

Metropolitan Transportation Commission—MTC

Created by the state Legislature in 1970, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is the transportation planning, coordinating and financing agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Over the years, the agency's scope has grown, and it is now three agencies in one, functioning as MTC as well as the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) and the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE).

Bay Area Regional Collaborative—BARC

BARC is a key partnership and exemplifies our approach to working on regional planning for smart growth and sustainability issues. BARC member agencies also include the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

Bay Area Air District—Air District

At the forefront of air quality improvement, the Air District is committed to providing a healthy breathing environment for every Bay Area resident. This vision represents the air district's core mission to protect and improve public health, air quality, and the global climate through programs and policies founded on science and technical expertise.

Bay Area Council Economic Institute

With its leading institutional partners — the Bay Area Council, ABAG, and other partner organizations — the Bay Area Council Economic Institute addresses key issues of overarching concern to the Bay Area and its economic future. The Institute's projects and initiatives mobilize leaders from the public and private sectors, higher education, labor and the community to work together to strengthen the region’s economic climate, and address its major challenges.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission—BCDC

BCDC'S Strategic Plan reflects the agency’s two primary responsibilities; to protect and enhance San Francisco Bay and to encourage the Bay’s responsible and productive use for this and future generations

Bay Area Planning Directors Association—BAPDA

The Bay Area Planning Directors Association (BAPDA) is a non-profit professional network of planning and community development directors throughout the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Serving the region’s planners since 1977, BAPDA offers professional education, advice and leadership on planning policy and practice at the regional and local levels to provide support for planners and to explore the issues that impact our area.