The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. ABAG provides ADA accommodations for people with Hearing and Speech Impairments, Visual Impairments and more.
For assistance, please contact us.
Public Information Office
Phone: 415-778-6757
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
For People with Hearing & Speech Impairments
Assistive listening devices
Assistive listening devices are available when attending a meeting in person at the Bay Area Metro Center.
Devices may be requested from the committee secretary. Advance notice is preferred by contacting:
Public Information Office:
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
ADA accommodations
For a sign language interpreter, reader, written materials or other ADA accommodations, please notify us at least three working days in advance (five days’ notice is preferred), and every effort will be made to provide assistance.
Printed materials are available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact ABAG for more information:
Public Information Office
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
For People with Visual Impairments
Request a reader to attend meetings
Readers may be requested to attend meetings, with a minimum of three working days in advance of the meeting. Five days’ notice is preferred. Please contact ABAG for more information:
Public Information Office
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
Request audio recording or Braille translation
Requests for meeting agendas and routine agenda item write-ups must be received at least three working days in advance of the meeting (five days’ notice is preferred).
For people with voice synthesizer-equipped computers, agendas and meeting materials are available in the Meetings section of this website, and we offer written materials by electronic transfer or on CD. Otherwise, the usual means of translation will be audio recording or Braille. Please contact ABAG for more information:
Public Information Office
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
Other written communications may be requested through the Public Information Office noted above.
We take into account your specific needs, cost, time constraints and the type of documents to be provided, choosing between audio recordings, Braille translations or electronic transmission via computer or CD.
Please note that we may take up to four weeks to copy lengthy reports and documents. There may be a charge for the cost of copying.
Screen Readers & Transcripts
Website accessibility — screen readers
Our website can be used with screen readers.
Most of the images on our web site also have text image tags that should be readable if your browser supports this function.
We also have a site index.
If a web page has an online form or document that is not accessible, please contact:
Public Information Office
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
Request for transcripts
ABAG posts live audio/video streams from meetings of the executive board and selected committees on our website. Live streams recordings are available in the Meetings and Events page on this website.
If you are hearing impaired and need a transcript of these materials, please contact:
Public Information Office
TDD/TTY Phone: Dial 711 and ask to be relayed to 415-778-6700
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov
ABAG: What We Do
The public is invited to all our meetings and has access to the same tools and data that our staff uses. Find out what we do.