Technical Assistance

  • Energy (22)

  • Equity (65)

  • Housing (327)

    • Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (55)

    • Creating Housing Choices (56)

    • Housing & Sustainability (36)

    • Housing Elements (123)

    • Pro-Housing Policies & Practices (42)

    • Public Engagement (34)

    • REAP Program (118)

  • Land Use (110)

  • Resilience (82)

  • Transportation & Infrastructure (104)

Resource Type
Satellite view of the Bay Area.

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) work with cities and counties to develop land use plans that map to the Bay Area’s current and future needs. 

The Bay Area is expected to be home to an additional 1.4 million households by the year 2050. It is important that the different types of transportation, housing and other land use planning work together — as part of a regional growth framework — to create an equitable, prosperous future for all Bay Area communities and make the best use of available resources.

A number of resources are available to assist local governments with planning for growth, especially in Priority Development Areas (PDAs). ABAG/MTC also host a series of regional forums that focus on the planning and implementation of PDAs and Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs).