Additional Resources
This page includes technical assistance resources not listed elsewhere in the RHTA webpages.
- SB 684 (2023) model ordinance and template application checklist
- Tribal Consultation Toolkit
- SB 35 application processing overview and template checklist
- Zoning for Affordability Resources
- AB 2339 Housing Element Analysis
- AB 2011 and SB 6 Staff Resources for Implementation
- AB 2011 and SB 6 Overview and Summary documents
- The Builder's Remedy and Housing Elements: A new version of this document will be coming soon.
- Housing Element Compliance and Key Funding Programs Summary
- Farmworker Housing Toolkit
- Guide to California State Replacement Housing Requirements
- Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Considerations
- SB 330, Housing Crisis Act of 2019, tenant templates
- An overview of the requirements of Assembly Bill 725 General Plans: Housing Element: Moderate-Income Housing: Suburban and Metropolitan Jurisdictions