Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee studies recommendations assigned by the ABAG Executive Board (i.e., the executive director selection). It meets regularly with MTC Planning Committee to discuss joint efforts such as Plan Bay Area and Horizon.
There are also public outreach meetings and workshops, and other events designed to inform the public and policy makers to ensure transparency. All meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities for residents to voice their opinions and make formal public comments.
Review the complete list of committee members and representatives on the Committee Rosters page.
Staff Contact
Fred Castro, ABAG Clerk of the Board
The Administrative Committee meets every other month on the same day as Executive Board and as needed. Find out when the next meeting occurs, or get access to past meetings and agendas. Links to Administrative Committee in Meetings.
ABAG Executive Board
The Executive Board is led by the ABAG president and vice president. ABAG members on this board make operating decisions, authorize expenditures and recommend policy.