This is the Specific Plan adopted by the City of El Cerrito in 2014 for its San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Priority Development Area (PDA). For information about the Specific Plan history, process and current efforts underway, please view the Specific Plan website.
Download all four parts of the Specific Plan:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Form Based Code Chapter
- Chapter 3: Complete Streets Chapter
- Chapter 4: Infrastructure Analysis
- Appendix
The purpose of the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan is to articulate a vision for the future of San Pablo Avenue, identify improvements, and adopt context-sensitive regulations that can be applied along its length and to adjacent areas.
The plan creates a framework for transforming San Pablo Avenue into a multimodal corridor that functions not just as a thoroughfare but as a place that provides a multitude of opportunities for living, working and community life.
The plan’s key principles are to deepen a sense of place and community identity, attract private investment, strengthen partnerships, enhance the public realm, promote the everyday use of transit, walking, and biking, foster environmental sustainability and add housing and commercial space.