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The Santa Rosa Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP) is an example of a Priority Development Area (PDA) plan. DSASP seeks to guide the intensification of an energetic commercial enterprise and

In 2017, as part of the San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Priority Development Area (PDA), the City of El Cerrito conducted an analysis of its affordable housing needs and developed an affordable housing

This is the Community Plan adopted by the City of Fremont in 2013 for its Warm Springs Priority Development Area (PDA). It envisions a vital, new sustainable district of the city offering

This is the Specific Plan adopted by the City of El Cerrito in 2014 for its San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan Priority Development Area (PDA). For information about the Specific Plan history, process and

The Mountain View El Camino Real Precise Plan is an example of a Priority Development Area (PDA) plan. It is based on the vision for the El Camino Real corridor set forth in Mountainview’s General

The Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Berkeley for its Adeline Corridor Priority Development Area (PDA). The Specific Plan provides goals, policies, and implementation strategies for the Plan