Parking Code Guidance: Case Studies & Model Provisions

A parking lot.

This paper identifies key issues and provides guidance for local jurisdictions as they consider refining their parking codes to reflect best practices for parking standards and parking management.

This paper builds on the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)'s Toolbox/Handbook, Parking Best Practices and Strategies for Supporting Transit Oriented Development in the San Francisco Bay Area, and includes the following components:

  • An overview of issues related to parking minimums, shared parking and pricing
  • A 10-point program for parking reform for discussion purposes
  • An overview of key parking policies and model code provisions that can be adapted for local use and implemented hand in hand with reducing parking requirements
  • A review of regulatory provisions that have reduced or eliminated parking requirements, including issues addressed and sample code language and web links to exemplary codes. 

The best practices reflect and support transit-oriented and pedestrian friendly areas; they also will help make infill development viable and create more walkable, livable communities. They are based on the principle that parking should be managed as a resource that has critical impacts on visitor and commuter access, retail health, traffic safety, economic development and streetscape quality, and that parking should be managed to achieve both transportation objectives and other community goals. These ideas also respond to trends showing growing interest in living in transit-served areas, with less dependence on the automobile.

This resource was prepared in June 2012 for Valerie Knepper, MTC Regional Parking Initiative by Nelson/Nygard and Dyett & Bhatia.

Mobility Hubs

Community anchors that enable travelers of all backgrounds and abilities to access multiple travel options and supportive amenities in a cohesive space.