

Technical Assistance

These engagement exercises were developed by Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) as part of a How-To series on designing your own planning projects. They describe how to conduct a hands-on exercise with

The draft Fire Hazard Planning Technical Advisory is meant to assist cities and counties as they revise their General Plans with specific land use strategies to reduce fire risk to buildings

Assembly Bill No. 686 (AB 686) creates new requirements for all state and local agencies to ensure that they take the appropriate actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH). Download AB 686

The goal of the Resilience Toolkit is to help cities, regions and other partners integrate various planning processes — including for hazard mitigation, climate adaptation, sustainability and equity —

This paper identifies key issues and provides guidance for local jurisdictions as they consider refining their parking codes to reflect best practices for parking standards and parking management

The Relient CA: Adaptation Clearinghouse is the State of California’s consolidated searchable database of resources for local, regional and statewide climate adaptation planning and policy-making. The