Members of the public, planners, developers and programmers are invited to dive into the resources of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC
Technical Assistance
The Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) Program is working with local, state, regional and federal agencies and organizations to gather, develop and analyze the data needed to understand the impacts of a
This webinar, part of the Regional Housing Technical Assistance Training series, showcased data analysis and land use policies related to segregation patterns and trends in the Bay Area. Included a
The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) hosted this training webinar to introduce planners to its housing data packets and provide tips on accessing and using census data to better understand
ABAG, in partnership with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), hosted this forum to discuss state data requirements, solicit input on regional data tools and train
The Bay Area Spatial Information System (BASIS) is a Data as a Service (DaaS) Initiative operated by the Association of Bay Area Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). This
The Hazard Viewer is a one-of-its-kind interactive map of regional hazards, curated from the most relevant, current maps for the nine-county Bay Area. It brings together the best set of mapping
The Relient CA: Adaptation Clearinghouse is the State of California’s consolidated searchable database of resources for local, regional and statewide climate adaptation planning and policy-making. The
View all data from Annual Progress Reports (APRs) in one place, presented in easy-to-use graphs and charts with built-in filters for information customization. This tool, created by the California
The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) depicts the area where human-made structures and infrastructure are found in or adjacent to areas prone to wildfire.