

Technical Assistance

Climate change, as a threat multiplier, exacerbates existing inequalities in health, housing, land use, transportation and economic opportunities. Although there is mounting evidence of the unequal

The Bay Area Spatial Information System (BASIS) is a Data as a Service (DaaS) Initiative operated by the Association of Bay Area Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). This

Race Counts tracks data that can be used to help measure and understand racial equity around the state. Their tool measures the overall performance, amount of racial disparity, and impact by

The Clean Building Compass is a one-stop online clearinghouse of vetted information to assist local government planners and staff in developing and adopting the practices required to accelerate the

Continuity of infrastructure systems in the wake of a major seismic event is essential for quick recovery of societal and economic functions. A single earthquake event is likely to disrupt key

The Relient CA: Adaptation Clearinghouse is the State of California’s consolidated searchable database of resources for local, regional and statewide climate adaptation planning and policy-making. The

The Resilience Playbook is a user-friendly web-based resource that includes policy and planning guidance, template language and innovative example ordinances that local decision makers and community

Policy makers have expressed interest in establishing impact fees for: Affordable housing Street and open space improvements Transportation demand management Parking This feasibility study was