

Technical Assistance

In response to a lack of affordable housing suited to the needs of changing households, a number of jurisdictions have revised their regulations to permit the development of more compact rental

Local governments and community advocates have become increasingly interested in creating community land trusts to protect affordability, whether for residential, commercial or agricultural/open space

In pursuit of increased housing production, state law now requires many local housing approval decisions to be based on objective standards. To comply with state law, local jurisdictions must ensure

This document contains the Objective Development Standards adopted by the City of San Jose for Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and growth areas throughout the city in 2021. It provides site design

The release of draft Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) allocations initiates the appeals phase, the final step in the RHNA process. Government Code Section 65584.05 allows any jurisdiction or

The Specific Plan was adopted by the City of Berkeley for its Adeline Corridor Priority Development Area (PDA). The Specific Plan provides goals, policies, and implementation strategies for the Plan

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) identifies the total number of homes that each region in California must plan for to meet the housing needs of people at all income

This Planning Innovations forum from October 29, 2020 previews the first set of regional data tools developed as part of ABAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program. The Housing Technical Assistance

San Mateo County’s Housing for All initiative collects resources that aid in the creation of accessory dwelling units (also known as second units or ADUs). They offer a variety of resources that are

In the Bay Area, retaining housing is crucial to expediting and ensuring an effective disaster recovery. Limiting catastrophic housing damage and keeping residents in their homes not only helps people