

Technical Assistance

California state laws, including 2017’s Senate Bill No. 35 and 2019’s Senate Bill No. 330, require housing development projects to be reviewed against objective design standards. Certain projects may

The State of California regulates the manufacturing of factory-built housing and/or housing components. The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)'s Factory-Built Housing Handbook (PDF)

As part of their series on racial segregation in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley examined the relationship between restrictive zoning — and single

This letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) provides ABAG its final Regional Housing Need Determination

This letter from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) includes the full suite of data requested by HCD, including

In this three-part video series from AARP, Opticos Design’s Daniel Parolek introduces the concept of “missing middle housing” — a range of housing types from duplexes to triplexes to cottage courts to

Group housing, or co-living, can help respond to the need for lower rents and more housing choices in the Bay Area. The co-living concept centers around renting bedrooms in a multi-bedroom building

Inclusionary housing, or the practice of requiring affordable housing units within a mostly market-rate development, is a key tool for creating housing affordability without government subsidy. For

The use of factory-built or offsite construction techniques is a promising but controversial path toward reducing construction costs in the expensive San Francisco Bay Area. This 2017 report

As developers seek higher density and higher revenue per square foot to offset rising land value and construction costs while holding rents at an affordable level relative to income, markets have seen