
Housing Element

Technical Assistance

ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission provided Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy Adoption Technical Assistance to all Bay Area jurisdictions needing assistance with Senate Bill (SB)

The RHNA 6 Housing Element Statutory Provisions Checklist can assist cities to ensure that they are following all of the statutory provisions related to Housing Elements. It may be useful to have this

All jurisdictions in the Bay Area must update their Housing Element for the 2023-2031 planning period. This customizable two-year project timeline template identifies key dates associated with the

This memo summarizes timing requirements for the adoption of housing elements and required rezoning. It also notes some of the potential risks that may result from missing these deadlines, including

HCD's comment letters to Bay Area jurisdictions include many remarks about AFFH. These documents are sample analyses provided by HCD.

This work group is designed for local planning, housing and economic development staff interested in learning about the challenges and opportunities involved in transforming aging malls and office

In session 6 of the Aging Malls & Office Parks Transformation Work Group – Affordable Housing in Malls and Office Parks: Tradeoffs and Financing Strategies – work group participants: Learned various

In session 5 of the Aging Malls & Office Parks Transformation Work Group – Economic Modeling for Redevelopment Feasibility – work group participants learned to use a customized redevelopment project

Session 4 of the Aging Malls & Office Parks Transformation Work Group – Developing a Responsive Design Framework & an Efficient and Transparent Planning Process – explores: Specific tools and

Session 3 of the Aging Malls & Office Parks Transformation Work Group delves into the redevelopment implementation roadmap. Attendees were introduced to the following: Case studies to help local staff