All jurisdictions in the Bay Area must update their Housing Element for the 2023-2031 planning period.
This customizable two-year project timeline template identifies key dates associated with the 2023 Housing Element update for Bay Area jurisdictions, covering from January 2021 through May 2023. The timeline template was developed by the Association of Bay Area Governments for use by local jurisdictions that are updating their Housing Element.
This file is customizable so that you can tailor it to your needs — adding, deleting and modifying tasks and milestones so that it works for your jurisdiction. It can also be customized with your jurisdiction’s or organization’s logo and used as a tool for public education and engagement to explain to city council members and the community what the process and schedule are for the housing element update. The timeline was updated in April 2023 with a footnote summarizing that HCD considers a jurisdiction to be in compliance with Housing Element law after HCD issues a formal letter.
Download the Housing Element Timeline.