Sample Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Form-Based Codes

Created by the Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI)

Form-based codes are land development regulations that aim to support predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form as the organizing principle for the code.

The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) provides a sample Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for communities seeking consultants to help them incorporate the principles of form-based codes.

Download the sample RFQ (PDF or DOC). The 6-page sample document suggests the scope of information a jurisdiction may want to evaluate when reviewing a potential consultant’s expertise.

The Form-Based Codes Institute

The Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI) is a program of Smart Growth America dedicated to promoting form-based codes to create walkable, mixed-use, socially-integrated communities.