"Helping Cities and Counties Adopt SB 1000" Forum

In 2016, the Legislature passed Senate Bill No. 1000 (SB 1000) requiring cities and counties that have disadvantaged communities to incorporate environmental justice (EJ) policies into their General Plans, either in a separate EJ element or by integrating related goals, policies and objectives throughout the other elements. This update must happen upon the adoption or next revision of two or more elements concurrently on or after January 1, 2018.

The May 2, 2019 Helping Cities and Counties Adopt SB 1000 Planning Innovations forum:

  • Provides city/county staff important background and technical requirements on determining qualification for and implementing SB 1000 within their jurisdictions
  • Presents some key “early adopters” and best practices in adopting environmental justice into the General Plan
  • Provides information on available tools, resources, partnership support and technical assistance to help local jurisdictions
  • Helps regional agencies understand the need for further follow-up assistance on any specific aspects of implementing SB 1000

Priority Development Areas Program

Priority Development Areas (PDAs) are places near public transit that are planned for new homes, jobs and community amenities.