Proposed RHNA Methodology On Executive Board Agenda

slate blue, cream, and yellow townhomes in front of BART Train and tracks

Executive Board Meeting October 15

At its October 1st meeting, ABAG’s Regional Planning Committee voted to recommend the proposed Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) methodology recommended by the Housing Methodology Committee (HMC). The ABAG Executive Board will consider the recommendation for the proposed methodology when it meets on Thursday, October 15th, starting at 6:05 p.m. When posted, the packet for this meeting will provide additional information.

On Friday, September 18th, the HMC recommended a proposed Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) methodology for the San Francisco Bay Area after nearly a year of meetings.  The recommended proposed methodology was presented to the Regional Planning Committee, information is available as item 5 in the packet.  The illustrative proposed allocation maps and proposed allocation data provide additional information.

The HMC is a key part of ABAG's approach to creating the RHNA allocation methodology. The HMC was made up of local elected officials and staff representing jurisdictions in every Bay Area county and stakeholders from multiple sectors to facilitate sharing of diverse perspectives. Over the past year, the HMC discussed how to develop a methodology that addresses the Bay Area’s housing challenges, furthers the RHNA objectives, and is consistent with Plan Bay Area 2050.

Additional information about the Regional Needs Allocation is available at and more information about the HMC’s work is available at