
Housing & Community Development

Technical Assistance

On August 20th, 2020, the Terner Center for Housing Innovation hosted a webinar exploring how California can meet its obligation to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH), with a focus on its

This report serves as the basis for HCD’s fair housing planning work to expand housing choice and access to opportunity for all Californians, regardless of membership in a protected class. Download

Assembly Bill No. 686 (AB 686) creates new requirements for all state and local agencies to ensure that they take the appropriate actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH). Download AB 686

The purpose of the No Net Loss Law (Government Code Section 65863) is to ensure development opportunities remain available throughout the planning period to accommodate a jurisdiction’s regional

“Assembly Bill 686 Housing Discrimination: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing” is a bill which amends the government code relating to housing, so that it is in compliance with the federal Fair Housing

This Planning Innovations forum from October 29, 2020 previews the first set of regional data tools developed as part of ABAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program. The Housing Technical Assistance

Senate Bill No. 375 (SB 375) is one of the first efforts by a state government to coordinate land use and transportation planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Appendix D to the SB 375 Technical

To help jurisdictions meet their Assembly Bill No. 686 (AB 686) obligations, the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) released the first sections of their Affirmatively Furthering

All jurisdictions in the Bay Area must update their Housing Element by January, 2023 for the 2023-2031 planning period. This checklist was developed by the California Department of Housing and

The Housing Element of the general plan must include an inventory of land suitable and available for residential development to meet the locality’s regional housing need by income level. This Housing