

Technical Assistance

This webinar, part of the Regional Housing Technical Assistance Training series, was co-produced by California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) on May 11, 2021. The webinar covers the nuts and

The draft Fire Hazard Planning Technical Advisory is meant to assist cities and counties as they revise their General Plans with specific land use strategies to reduce fire risk to buildings

Integration Concepts for General Plan Updates outlines concepts for integrating various policy topics and new requirements in General Plan updates, housing element updates and other local planning

The City of Fremont received a Priority Development Area (PDA) technical assistance grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ABAG to remove Level of Service (LOS) and instead use

Every year, each California jurisdiction (city council or board of supervisors) must prepare an annual progress report (APR) on the jurisdiction’s status and progress in implementing its housing

The Santa Clara Countywide Vehicle Miles Traveled Evaluation Tool (VMT Evaluation Tool) allows local jurisdictions and developers to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for land use projects and to

To effectively implement traffic impact analysis required under Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), this memo reviews relevant to the City of Fremont’s current Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) process to

These presentation slides capture the talking points of the Hayward City Council meeting on implementing Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and general plan amendments. It

The resources below provide background and context related to Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743) and the rationale behind the shift from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a tool for

The City of Concord received a Priority Development Area (PDA) technical assistance grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ABAG to remove Level of Service (LOS) and instead use