The Santa Clara Countywide Vehicle Miles Traveled Evaluation Tool (VMT Evaluation Tool) allows local jurisdictions and developers to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for land use projects and to calculate reductions associated with VMT-reducing measures.
Launch the Santa Clara Countywide VMT Evaluation Tool
The VMT Evaluation Tool is designed to assist local agencies in screening and estimating project-generated VMT for certain types of land use projects in Santa Clara County, and calculating VMT reductions associated with certain VMT-reducing measures. This tool can serve as a resource for implementing Senate Bill 743, which requires that Lead Agencies use VMT in CEQA analysis of land use projects (a requirement which became mandatory on July 1, 2020).
Version 2 of the VMT Evaluation Tool, released September 27, 2021, primarily includes a variety of improvements to the user interface and reporting in the tool.
All documentation, current and upcoming, will be posted on the Congestion Management Program Technical Resources webpage. For any inquiries about how the tool may be applied in a land use review and approval process, please contact staff at the city/town/county in which the project is located.
This tool was developed by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in collaboration with the 15 cities and towns of Santa Clara County, and the County of Santa Clara. It was completed with technical assistance from Fehr & Peers, building on groundwork laid by the City of San Jose. The cities/towns and County of Santa Clara and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) provided funding support, complementing an extensive investment of staff resources by VTA.