

Technical Assistance

Urban greening has the potential to address many challenges in the built environment, from stormwater runoff and flood prevention to reducing greenhouse gases and increasing mental health benefits. As

As part of Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), local jurisdictions were tasked with transitioning from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) policies by July 2020. These vehicle reduction

The resources below provide background and context related to Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743) and the rationale behind the shift from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a tool for

The City of Concord received a Priority Development Area (PDA) technical assistance grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ABAG to remove Level of Service (LOS) and instead use

This memorandum presents a review of the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) thresholds of significance and screens for both land use and transportation projects. It examines best practices implemented by