News Stories

South Bay Levee Breach Creates 300 Acres of Wetlands SFEP

News Story

South Bay Levee Breach Creates 300 Acres of Wetlands

The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority — co-staffed by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and the State Coastal Conservancy — and other partners opened a 300-acre former industrial salt pond to San Francisco Bay this week as part of ambition plan to restore wetlands.

BAHFA Makes First Capital Commitment to Spur Housing Construction Aerial of housing construction in the south bay.

News Story

BAHFA Makes First Capital Commitment to Spur Housing Construction

ABAG's and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's (MTC's) Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) affiliate last week launched its first loan program to promote the construction of affordable housing on properties nominated by local governments and developers across all nine Bay Area...

Flood, Fire, Heat, Drought: BARC Report Charts Course for Coordinated Adaptation

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Flood, Fire, Heat, Drought: BARC Report Charts Course for Coordinated Adaptation

A new report issued by the Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) documents how the overall climate adaptation system in the Bay Area functions and identifies next steps in exploring responses to address sea level rise, inland flooding, water quality, drought, extreme heat, wildfire and air quality.

Bay Area Housing Finance Authority wins Housing Heroes Award BAHFA award

News Story

Bay Area Housing Finance Authority wins Housing Heroes Award

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) received a Housing Heroes Award from the Housing Action Coalition this month in honor of the initiative’s innovative set of funding and finance tools— including the ability to place a Bay Area-wide ballot measure before voters to raise funds for housing.

San Francisco Estuary Partnership Work Helps Secure Sonoma Land for Restoration Restoration

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San Francisco Estuary Partnership Work Helps Secure Sonoma Land for Restoration

The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority — co-staffed by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership and the State Coastal Conservancy — has helped secure the acquisition of a 1,150-acre site for tidal wetland restoration in the North Bay as part of the Sonoma Creek Baylands ecosystem.

Governor Signs Bill Bolstering Bay Area Housing Finance Authority image of Capitol Building in Sacramento

News Story

Governor Signs Bill Bolstering Bay Area Housing Finance Authority

Governor Newsom on Wednesday signed Assembly Bill 1319, an MTC- and ABAG-sponsored bill by East Bay Assemblymember Buffy Wicks that will ensure the Bay Area can capitalize on future voter-approved funds. Newsom’s approval is timely, as MTC and ABAG are ramping up to place their first regional housing bond on the November 2024 ballot.