Two loans recently made by the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) to community land trusts will preserve 34 affordable homes in San Francisco and San Jose, ensuring stable housing for people
News and Stories
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority: Major Achievements and a Look Ahead
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) was established by the California State Legislature in 2019 with the goal of finding better solutions for the Bay Area’s affordable housing needs. Since
BAHFA Closes First Priority Sites Pilot Loan
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) in late September closed the first loan through its Priority Sites Pilot Program, issuing $3 million in permanent financing for the East Bay Asian Local
BayREN is Launching the EASE Home Program to Replace Single Family Home+
BayREN’s Single Family Home+ Program has been supporting the Bay Area since 2013 through rebates and educational resources focused on home energy efficiency and electrification upgrades. While the
ABAG, BAHFA Leaders Issue Statement on Withdrawal of Housing Bond Measure from November Ballot
Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) Chair Alfredo Pedroza and Belia Ramos, president of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)’s Executive Board today issued a joint statement following
ABAG President Belia Ramos, Bay Area Contingent Explore Mixed-Income Housing in Vienna
Written by ABAG President Belia Ramos Over 6 days, I had the opportunity to dive deep into the social and political constructs of Vienna’s social housing system. One hundred years ago, Vienna was
BAHFA to Place $20 Billion Affordable Housing Bond Measure on November Ballot
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) today adopted a resolution to place a general obligation bond measure on the November 5 general election ballot in each of the nine Bay Area counties to
New Research Finds Bay Area Needs $9.7 Billion to 'Unlock' 40,000 Affordable Homes in Predevelopment Pipeline
Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) and the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) today released the Bay Area Affordable Housing Pipeline 2024 Report, which analyzes affordable housing
State HCD Announces Fair Housing Survey
As part of the California Department of Housing and Community Development's effort to update the fair housing plan, the agency is conducting a Community Needs Assessment survey to establish community
Kickoff: Bay Area Eviction & Legal Services Study
Protecting vulnerable tenants is one of the three core goals of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA). Evictions and the effects of evictions are known to have negative health and wellness