

Technical Assistance

The recent state legislative session brought many changes to housing law statewide. Beyond SB 9, several new laws impact California jurisdictions' housing elements timelines, permit processes, state

The video, slide presentation, and small group notes for the Missing Middle Work Group session 5, "Projecting Middle Housing Production."

To reduce the likelihood of having to rezone, it is a best practice to have 15 to 30+ percent more units listed in the inventory than are required to meet a jurisdiction’s RHNA. This document explains

Using a one-time, $24 million state grant, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) launched its new Regional Housing Technical Assistance (RHTA) program in late 2020. The program serves as a

The recent state legislative session brings many changes to housing laws in California. Several new laws impact jurisdictions' housing processes. Join ABAG’s Regional Housing Technical Assistance

This page includes resources related to Inclusionary Zoning and Density Bonus. More materials will be released in the following weeks. Information about the Zoning for Affordability Workgroup, held in

To help document the affordability of new ADUs, the RHTA Program will soon launch an online survey tool to help jurisdictions meet ADU monitoring requirements made in their Housing Elements. The