Suisun City Development Feasibility Analysis

The City of Suisun City requested technical assistance from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Focus Grant Program to formulate feasible development concepts for key catalyst sites in the city’s Priority Development Area (PDA). Suisun City had previously prepared a Specific Plan for the Downtown, including the PDA area (1999) and was in the process of considering updating its General Plan including land use designations for the PDA.

To help attract new mixed-use and residential development to the downtown, as well as support economic development of Suisun in a transit-oriented manner, this study develops concepts for key catalyst sites in Suisun City’s PDA. The study includes a market analysis and overview of feasibility factors, development concepts and prototype financial testing and outreach to the developer community.

The Market Analysis Report in Appendix 1 identified near-term support for multi-family ownership units, market rate senior housing, specialty retail, and limited new office space, along with potential strong demand for a small upscale hotel and destination restaurant targeting Napa Valley gateway travelers.

Download the Suisun City Development Feasibility Analysis.

Priority Development Areas (PDAs) Program

By bringing transit, jobs and housing together in downtowns, along main streets and around rail stations, PDAs help the Bay Area reduce greenhouse gas emissions and begin to solve the region’s housing crisis.