ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are providing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy Adoption Technical Assistance to all Napa/Solano County jurisdictions needing assistance with Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) compliance. Assistance will be provided through a working group approach over several modules, each focusing on a particular aspect of VMT policy. Presentations and supporting materials for each module will be provided below.
View the latest updates to VMT Policy Adoption Technical Assistance.
Module 1: Program Introduction
June 21, 2022
Includes technical assistance program overview, expectations and local assistance offerings
- Memo Template - Review of Existing Policies and Engagement Needs
- SB 743 List of Resources
- Module 1 Presentation
- Module 1 Video Recording
Module 2: Understanding SB 743
July 26, 2022
VMT baseline data and locally appropriate methods, metrics, thresholds and screening criteria
- Memo Template - VMT metrics, thresholds, screening, and calculation approaches
- Module 2 Presentation
- Module 2 Recording
- Module 2 Office Hours: Thursday, August 11, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Module 3: VMT Mitigation
September 20, 2022
- VMT Mitigation and Policy Adoption and Implementation Considerations
- Memo Template – VMT Mitigation
- Presentation Template for Internal Discussions
- Presentation Template for Planning Commission/City Council
- Module 3 Presentation
- Module 3 Meeting Recording
- View the resources shared at the module 3 Office Hours: Wednesday, October 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.