Local Adaptation and Resiliency Planning: SB 379 Survey Report

Senate Bill No. 379, or SB 379, (Jackson) amended Government Code Section 65302(g) to require all cities and counties in California to incorporate climate adaptation and resilience into the General Plan safety element, or by reference to other documents. 

To glean more information about how local governments are meeting requirements under SB 379, the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) released an informal survey in fall 2019, “Local Jurisdictions Adaptation and Resiliency Planning: Senate Bill 379” with the intention of obtaining the following:

  • A snapshot of the progress local jurisdictions have made toward meeting SB 379 requirements
  • Insight into the types of plans local governments are using to meet SB 379 requirements
  • How jurisdictions define community assets and vulnerable communities (two topics on which OPR staff commonly receive questions)
  • Common obstacles jurisdictions encounter when meeting SB 379 requirements

The 2020 Local Adaptation and Resiliency Planning: SB 379 Survey Report analyzes the results of the 2019 SB 379 survey. The report is not a comprehensive census of all adaptation and resiliency planning in California. Rather, it provides OPR and other interested stakeholders insight into a small sample of jurisdictions that are working to meet SB 379 requirements.