Key SB 743 Implementation Steps for Development Projects

The steps outlined in this document are meant to provide guidance toward implementation of Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), which eliminates the use of Level of Service (LOS) as the basis for identifying significant transportation impacts in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis.

Download the Key SB 743 Implementation Steps for Development Projects (PDF).

To comply with SB 743, lead agencies will need to make a series of decisions about how to change current transportation impact analysis procedures for development projects when conducting project-level CEQA analysis and shift to using vehicle miles traveled (VMT). This document provides guidance.

Please note: Each lead agency should consult with CEQA experts and legal counsel regarding their own CEQA practices and updates to local policies. This document provides guidance but is not a legal document or legal interpretation of the law.

SB 743 Resources

Background and context related to SB 743.