
Regional Housing Needs Allocation

Technical Assistance

This presentation with ABAG and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) delves into the nuts and bolts of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) and provides

The REAP Local Grants summary table (PDF) contains all funding agreement amounts for Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) grants to local jurisdictions. The document includes data disaggregated by

This presentation outlines the Association of Bay Area Governments’ approach to delivering technical assistance and grant support to local jurisdictions utilizing state funding provided through the

Starting in January 2011, ABAG worked with stakeholders from throughout the Bay Area to develop the 2015–2023 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the fifth housing element cycle (known as

Bay Area communities can better address economic, environmental, and regulatory challenges by working together. ABAG’s technical assistance program has set up county-level collaboratives to help

As part of their 2021 Housing Element update, Elk Grove city staff heard concerns about the potential over-concentration of affordable housing in different areas of the city. Staff used an online tool

This Planning Innovations forum from October 29, 2020 previews the first set of regional data tools developed as part of ABAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program. The Housing Technical Assistance

This one-page RHNA 6 Development Timeline graphic (PDF) outlines the key steps and schedule for developing the Regional Housing Needs Allocation for the 2023-2031 period (known as RHNA 6), which

This Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) summary was produced by ABAG to provide a brief user-friendly overview of the RHNA laws and processes, including: The history of California’s General Plan

This Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) slide template can be customized by local jurisdiction staff to give an overview presentation to their council, planning commission or community. It has