Elk Grove Interactive Housing Presentation & Map

Map indicating existing RHNA sites in Elk Grove.

As part of their 2021 Housing Element update, Elk Grove city staff heard concerns about the potential over-concentration of affordable housing in different areas of the city. Staff used an online tool to gather public comments about where to plan for housing in the city.

The staff looked at various data points, as outlined in this "Elk Grove 2021 Housing Element Update Presentation" as a way to address the issues.

The presentation illustrates the location of:

  • Existing built multifamily developments
  • Sites identified for multifamily development in the 2013 Housing Element
  • Sites being considered for the 2021 Housing Element

The presentation provides an example of how a local jurisdiction is using data and geographic information to inform and shape its community engagement and the process of selecting housing sites.

What is a Housing Element?

A Housing Element is a local plan adopted by a city, town or county that includes the goals, policies and programs that direct decision-making around housing.