

Technical Assistance

AB 2011, the Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 and SB 6, the Middle Class Housing Act of 2022, are intended to permit residential development on sites currently zoned and designated

This is a model ordinance for the implementation of SB 6 and AB 2011 at the local level. While these bills do not require jurisdictions to adopt an implementing ordinance, they do permit adoption

This is a template application checklist for AB 2011 (2022) mixed income project proposals. Local staff should consult with their jurisdiction's legal counsel when determining the applicability of

This session explored the financial impacts of affordable housing requirements. Session participants used Grounded Solutions Network’s Inclusionary Housing calculator for an interactive exercise. This

Assembly Bill 725 General Plans: Housing Element: Moderate-Income Housing: Suburban and Metropolitan Jurisdictions (2019-2020), passed in 2021, adds new rules regarding the sites that can be used in

The Legislature has adopted three state laws – the Density Bonus Law, Housing Element law, and the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 -- to ensure that new housing developments do not reduce the total number

Jurisdictions can use this template as part of the SB 330 application package for developers or in conjunction with the SB 330 Tenant Letter to request information directly from tenants.

This memo summarizes timing requirements for the adoption of housing elements and required rezoning. It also notes some of the potential risks that may result from missing these deadlines, including

This session provided an introduction to the Work Group series and a general overview of the following topics: affordability requirements, policy types and program assessment.

The session was for jurisdiction staff who are less familiar with inclusionary housing, density bonus, affordable housing or overlay zones. It included a general overview of the following topics