

Technical Assistance

Since 1969, the State of California has required each local government to plan for its share of the state’s housing needs for people of all income levels. Through the Regional Housing Needs Allocation

Group housing, or co-living, can help respond to the need for lower rents and more housing choices in the Bay Area. The co-living concept centers around renting bedrooms in a multi-bedroom building

The People, Places & Prosperity report (PDF) highlights the activities that the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) undertook in partnership with local governments, regional agencies, business

As developers seek higher density and higher revenue per square foot to offset rising land value and construction costs while holding rents at an affordable level relative to income, markets have seen

In response to a lack of affordable housing suited to the needs of changing households, a number of jurisdictions have revised their regulations to permit the development of more compact rental

The Mobility Hubs Playbook is a comprehensive technical assistance guide with implementation strategies, tactical approaches and management techniques. Download the complete Mobility Hubs Playbook