Local Governments Honored with Growing Smarter Together Awards

View Videos of these Award Winning Projects

ABAG's Eighth Annual Growing Smarter Together Awards were presented during its Spring General Assembly to the cities of Redwood City, Walnut Creek, Campbell, Richmond, Fremont, South San Francisco, and Vallejo. The role of the cities' public private partners was also recognized with representatives praised for their contributions. Video presentations of the projects were a special highlight, visually documenting the cities' innovative collaborative efforts in revitalization, planning, innovation and technology to create sustainable communities and promote conservation and green community.

Redwood City received the first Powering Forward--Innovation and Technology Award for their milestone social media and Police Public Safety Campaign. Two Public Private Partnership Awards were presented, with the City of Walnut Creek and Habitat for Humanity-East Bay Silicon Valley recognized for their innovative collaboration to create Pleasant Creek Homes with its affordable home ownership units. The City of Campbell, Santa Clara Valley Water District, and Summerhill Homes received the second Public Private Partnership award for their groundbreaking work together to develop Maravilla affordable workforce housing.

The City of Richmond was honored with two awards in the categories of Start It Up for its sustainable, healthy community-driven General Plan, and a Preserving and Protecting the Environment Award with Marin Clean Energy (MCE) as a Community Choice Aggregator. The City of Fremont was praised for its implementation of its Downtown Fremont-General Plan with an On the Ground-Getting It Done award. The groundbreaking development by South San Francisco with MidPen Housing for creating 636 El Camino, affordable housing for families offering a full range of services and amenities, exemplified the Sharing the Benefits award. The City of Vallejo and Domus Development received the special Urban Design award their adaptive reuse of Temple Arts Loft into residential-commercial artist lofts and strategic redesign of surrounding downtown area into an arts and entertainment district.

The cities' award winning projects exemplify the goals of the Growing Smarter Together Awards to strengthen and support existing communities and create a better connection between jobs, housing and transportation to address residents' daily needs. These local government efforts help create a sustainable community protecting our Bay Area environment while also creating a strong economy and supporting social equity through innovation and collaboration.

View videos at http://www.abag.ca.gov/smarter.html.