CASA — The Committee to House the Bay Area — Compact Status Report

CASA Logo, The committee to House the Bay Area

Staff briefed the Executive Board on the CASA effort and areas of agreement for the CASA Compact and asked for the Board's input and discussion. By the end of 2018, CASA will have engaged a broad range of stakeholders to develop a suite of recommendations for legislative reform, new revenue, and regional leadership. These recommendations will be packaged into the CASA Compact for consideration by ABAG, MTC and myriad state and local policy makers.

The current schedule calls for the CASA Compact to be finalized by mid-December. If the schedule holds, the ABAG Executive Board in January and the MTC Commission in December would consider authorizing the President and Chair to sign the CASA Compact.

CASA includes leaders from across the Bay Area who will build actionable political consensus around (1) increasing housing production at all levels of affordability, (2) preserving existing affordable housing, and (3) protecting vulnerable populations from housing instability and displacement for consideration by ABAG,MTC and myriad.

CASA is being led by three Co-Chairs: Fred Blackwell, The San Francisco Foundation; Leslye Corsiglia, Silicon Valley at Home; and Michael Covarrubias, TMG Partners. It is structured around a Steering Committee and Technical Committee composed of local elected officials, thought leaders, and policy experts from across the region. The CASA effort is supported and staffed by the consolidated ABAG and MTC staff and a team of consultants. More information about CASA is available

Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Next Steps: Looking at Governance

The video from the governance presentation made to the joint MTC Planning and ABAG Administration Committee meeting on November 9th is available here
