Buying Green...Buying Smart -- Conference Materials and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Resources

The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) conference held on March 18, 2009, at the MetroCenter in Oakland was a resounding success - the MetroCenter auditorium was filled to capacity. Speakers provided a wealth of practical information, and audience members responded with valuable input that will be used as we consider next steps.

Conference Materials:

The agenda, handouts, speaker bios, PowerPoint presentations, and brief summaries of presentations made by speakers who did not use PowerPoint are now available on the Hazardous Waste Committee website at

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Resources:

You will find links to additional EPP information, including links to policies and ordinances adopted by jurisdictions around the Bay Area and elsewhere at

Thanks to everyone who completed a conference evaluation/challenge form. ABAG will use that information to plan the next workshop and consider other ways to support local government environmentally preferable purchasing needs.

ABAG wishes to, again, express appreciation to all of the speakers, StopWaste.Org, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, and all of the work group members who helped to plan the conference.