Executive Board
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San Francisco, CA 94105
Agenda Items
Susan Adams, Candace Andersen, Jesse Arreguin, Nikki Fortunato Bas, London Breed,
Ken Carlson, David Cohen, Noelia Corzo, Pat Eklund, Susan Ellenberg, Carroll Fife,
Neysa Fligor, Leon Garcia, Rich Hillis, Rosemary Kamei, Otto Lee, Rafael Mandelman,
Elisa Marquez, Yvonne Martinez-Beltran, Nathan Miley, Lisa Motoyama, Catherine Moy,
Ray Mueller, Mark Nagales, Peter Ortiz, David Rabbitt, Belia Ramos,Treva Reid,
Carlos Romero, Mary Sackett, Cindy Silva, Aaron Tiedemann, Wanda Williams.
Donald Young (Advisory).
Agenda item1.
Agenda item2.
Agenda item3.
Agenda item3a.
Agenda item4.
Agenda item4a.
Agenda item5.
Agenda item5a.
Approval of ABAG Executive Board Minutes of March 21, 2024
Agenda item5b.
Authorization to negotiate and enter into a contract amendment with CLEAResult Consulting, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $530,000 to provide implementation services for the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) Single Family Home+ program through October 31, 2024
Agenda item5c.
Authorization to negotiate and enter into a contract amendment with DiLytics Inc. in an amount not to exceed $435,000 to provide database development and operations and maintenance services for the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) through December 31, 2025
Agenda item5d.
Authorization to negotiate and enter into a contract with Frontier Energy, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $540,000 for Training and Event Support for Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) local government programs from on or about April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025
Agenda item5e.
Approval of Pre-Qualified Panel of Consultants to Provide Services for the BayREN Codes & Standards and Public Programs
Agenda item5f.
Authorization to accept $498,762 and enter into a funding agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to advance development of the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program
Agenda item5g.
Authorization to accept $909,800 and enter into a funding agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement the San Francisco Estuary Blueprint under the National Estuary Program
Agenda item5h.
Assembly Bill 2353 (Ward): Property Tax Welfare Exemption
Provides upfront savings on affordable housing developments by allowing nonprofit developers to withhold property tax payments while their application for a tax exemption is under review.
Agenda item5i.
Adoption of Resolution No. 11-2023, Revised, authorizing the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Operating Budget Amendment 2
Agenda item6.
Agenda item6a.
Agenda item7.
Agenda item7a.
Agenda item7b.
Increase transparency and use of outside experts in the state Department of Housing and Community Development’s process for determining regions’ housing needs.
Agenda item8.
Agenda item8a.
Agenda item9.
Agenda item9a.
Agenda item10.
Agenda item10a.
Adoption of a Resolution on the Approval of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s Business Plan by the ABAG Executive Board as the Executive Board to the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (Executive Board); CEQA Determination: Exempt Pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21065; Government Code § 64523.
Agenda item10b.
Adoption of a resolution by the ABAG Executive Board as the Executive Board to the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority approving the Regional Expenditure Plan; direct the Executive Director or designee to bring forward a guideline to implement labor standards; CEQA Determination; Exempt Pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21065; Government Code § 64523
Agenda item10c.
Adoption of a resolution by the ABAG Executive Board as the Executive Board to the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (“Executive Board”) to make certain findings in support of, to approve the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority Board submitting a ballot measure for a general obligation bond for affordable housing in an amount not to exceed $20 billion to the voters of the counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma and the city and county of San Francisco (the “Nine Bay Area Counties”) at the November 2024 general election consistent with the requirements of the final version of Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (2023), and to take actions related, necessary, or incidental to carrying out the intent of this resolution