Why consider a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Fee? Key reasons for developing a VMT fee include: Providing jurisdictions with a method of funding transportation infrastructure projects that will reduce
Technical Assistance
Why Consider a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) or Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP)? Key reasons for developing a LRSP/VZAP include: Providing a framework for systematically addressing traffic safety
Priority Development Areas (PDAs) are places near public transit that are planned for new homes, jobs and community amenities. By bringing transit, jobs and housing together, PDAs help the Bay Area
Almost every infill site requires site assessment and planning before redevelopment can occur. In this webinar, the Center for Creative Land Re-use (CCLR) highlights two funding opportunities that can
The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) receives funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), like the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) grant, that
The People, Places & Prosperity report (PDF) highlights the activities that the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) undertook in partnership with local governments, regional agencies, business
In 2011, El Cerrito commissioned the El Cerrito Development Feasibility Analysis for the City of El Cerrito as it considered implementation of the Draft San Pablo Corridor Specific Plan. The
This document answers frequently asked questions raised during webinars hosted in early 2021 about Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Housing Technical Assistance and Priority Development Area (PDA
This document contains the Objective Development Standards adopted by the City of San Jose for Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and growth areas throughout the city in 2021. It provides site design
The City of Suisun City requested technical assistance from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Focus Grant Program to formulate feasible development concepts for key catalyst sites in