
Housing Elements

Technical Assistance

The Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) process is the part of Housing Element law used to determine how many new homes, and the affordability of those homes, each local government must plan for

California state law requires local jurisdictions’ housing elements to designate zones where emergency shelters are a permitted use and do not require additional permits to be approved. Emergency

The City of Fremont received a Priority Development Area (PDA) technical assistance grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and ABAG to remove Level of Service (LOS) and instead use

This Grant Awards Table (PDF) presents a tabulated list of competitive grant awards (totaling $1 million) funded by Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) funds received from the state of California

To ensure that all jurisdictions plan to meet the housing needs of the entire community, California requires that local governments adopt housing plans as part of their General Plan. The Regional

The Santa Clara Countywide Vehicle Miles Traveled Evaluation Tool (VMT Evaluation Tool) allows local jurisdictions and developers to estimate vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for land use projects and to

To effectively implement traffic impact analysis required under Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), this memo reviews relevant to the City of Fremont’s current Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) process to

These presentation slides capture the talking points of the Hayward City Council meeting on implementing Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and general plan amendments. It

This Planning Innovations forum from October 29, 2020 previews the first set of regional data tools developed as part of ABAG’s Housing Technical Assistance Program. The Housing Technical Assistance

The resources below provide background and context related to Senate Bill No. 743 (SB 743) and the rationale behind the shift from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a tool for