The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) just awarded a total of $8.5 million to 13 Bay Area organizations for Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grants that support the goals of Plan Bay Area
Grant Program
News and Stories
PCA Grants Will Provide Up to $8.5 Million for Bay Area Conservation Projects
News Story
ABAG and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), in partnership with the State Coastal Conservancy (SCC), are offering up to $8.5 million in grants ranging from $200,000 to $1 million in the
Apply Now: Parking and Mobility Hub Grants
News Story
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is accepting proposals for a total of $35 million in available funding for efforts to support Mobility Hubs and Parking Management programs. Up to $33
"Grant Opportunities for Site Assessment, Planning and Cleanup" Webinar Presentation
Brownfields_Funding_Webinar_November_2021.pdf (41.55 MB)