San Francisco Bay Trail Announces “Share Your 30” Contest

Bay Trail 30th Anniversary Logo

Get Out on the Trail to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Bay Trail

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the San Francisco Bay Trail, the San Francisco Bay Trail Project is launching a “Share Your 30” contest to inspire Bay Area residents and visitors to get out on the trail, discover and share Bay Trail adventures, and compete to win prizes.

To participate, first find your “30” on the Bay Trail – 30 miles, 30 minutes, 30 places or whatever else inspires you to explore the bayside trail. Be imaginative and inspired, artistic or innovative, as you capture 30 facets of this regional jewel that offers easily accessible recreational opportunities for hikers, bikers, joggers, wildlife-watchers, and other outdoors enthusiasts. Then post your Bay Trail 30 on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for a chance to win prizes like Patagonia clothing, REI outdoor program gift certificates, Oakland A’s baseball tickets, Bay Trail t-shirts and totes, and more. One Grand Prize winner will take home a sleek Norco Valence X6 road bicycle. Enter the contest in three simple steps:

  1. Post a short video or photo slideshow about what your “30” is on the Bay Trail
  2. Hashtag #baytrail30 and #shareyour30 in your post
  3. Tag @SFBayTrail in your post

The contest opens on June 15th and runs until August 15, 2019. More information and maps – as well as rules, terms and conditions – are available at the San Francisco Bay Trail’s 30th anniversary website. Contest announcements will be shared on social media.

The Bay Trail plan was adopted by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) on June 15, 1989. Originally envisioned as a “ring around the Bay,” today some 355 miles of trail are built along the 500-mile perimeter of San Francisco Bay. Several major new segments will be inaugurated during this anniversary year, including a path along the upper deck of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and the Albany Beach Bay Trail behind Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley/Albany. Stay tuned to the Bay Trail website for announcements of future events at

The Bay Trail Project is a program of ABAG, the regional planning agency for the nine counties and 101 cities and towns of the Bay Area, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC.) MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

Lee Huo (415) 820-7915
Jay Stagi, ABAG-MTC (415) 778-5208